Learning Gulp
Gulp is a streaming build system. I found it is much easier than Grunt.
The differene between Gulp and Grunt (slide):
- With Gulp your build file is code, not config.
- You use standard libraries to do things.
- Plugins are simple and do one thing - most are a ~20 line function.
- Tasks are executed with maximum concurrency.
- I/O works the way you picture it.
Create a gulpfile.js
at the root of project directory.
Gulp APIs
There are four APIs in gulp:
gulp.src(globs[, options])
gulp.task(name[, deps], fn)
gulp.watch(glob, tasks)
Refer to API Docs.
Some plugins: More
- plus3network/gulp-less
- wearefractal/gulp-coffee
- wearefractal/gulp-jshint
- vohof/gulp-livereload
- terinjokes/gulp-uglify
- jonathanepollack/gulp-minify-html
- wearefractal/gulp-concat
- hparra/gulp-rename